Code Smells: Bloaters — The Large Class

Oleksandr Kaledin
4 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash

In the realm of code quality, certain issues are like bloaters — causing your codebase to swell in complexity and become difficult to manage. One prominent member of the Bloater family is the “Large Class.” In this article, we’ll delve into the problem of Large Classes, exploring their signs and symptoms, reasons for occurrence, and proposing solutions to keep your codebase concise and maintainable.

The Problem of Large Classes

Large Classes, as the name suggests, are classes that have grown overly complex and large, typically encompassing a multitude of responsibilities and functionalities. A large class may contain numerous methods and fields, making it challenging to understand and maintain. But how do you determine if a class is excessively large?

A Large Class typically exceeds what is considered a reasonable size, both in terms of the number of methods and fields it contains. While the specific threshold may vary depending on language and context, a class with more than 300–500 lines of code is often considered a candidate for refactoring.

Signs and Symptoms

Identifying Large Classes in your codebase is vital. Look for the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Excessive Length: Large Classes often span hundreds or even thousands of lines of code, making them difficult to comprehend in one go.
  2. High Method Count: These classes tend to have a large number of methods, many of which may not be directly related to the class’s main responsibility.
  3. Multiple Responsibilities: A Large Class often takes on multiple responsibilities and functionalities that could be better divided into smaller, focused classes.
  4. Complex Control Flow: The control flow within a Large Class may be complex, with deep nesting of conditionals and loops.
  5. Limited Reusability: Code within a Large Class is typically tightly coupled and may not be easily reusable in other parts of the codebase.
  6. Maintenance Challenges: Modifying or maintaining a Large Class can be a daunting task, as it’s hard to predict the impact of changes across the entire class.

Reasons for the Problem

Understanding why Large Classes occur is essential for devising effective strategies to tackle the issue. Several factors contribute to the creation of Large Classes:

  1. Accumulation of Responsibilities: Developers may gradually add new features or responsibilities to a class, leading to bloat.
  2. Incomplete Decomposition: Failing to decompose the problem domain into smaller, manageable classes can result in a single Large Class taking on multiple roles.
  3. Lack of Design Principles: Ignoring principles like the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) can lead to classes that try to do too much.
  4. Tight Coupling: Tight coupling between classes can result in one class accumulating the responsibilities of multiple classes, causing it to grow.


Addressing Large Classes requires a structured approach to break them down into smaller, more focused units. Here are some strategies to help you deal with this code smell:

  1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Ensure each class has a single responsibility. If a class is too large, break it down into smaller classes, each with a distinct purpose.
  2. Extract Methods: Identify and extract smaller units of functionality into their own methods. This enhances readability and simplifies maintenance.
  3. Extract Classes: If a Large Class exhibits multiple responsibilities, consider creating new classes to handle each distinct responsibility.
  4. Delegate Responsibilities: Distribute tasks and responsibilities among collaborating classes, rather than keeping everything within a single class.
  5. Use Design Patterns: Apply design patterns like the Facade Pattern or Composite Pattern to simplify complex hierarchies and reduce the complexity of a class.


Addressing Large Classes offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Readability: Smaller classes are easier to read and understand, making your code more accessible to developers and future maintainers.
  2. Maintainability: Modular code is simpler to maintain. Changes and bug fixes become less error-prone and more straightforward.
  3. Reusability: Smaller, well-structured classes can be reused across the codebase, reducing duplication and enforcing the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.
  4. Improved Testing: Smaller classes are easier to test in isolation, enhancing the testability of your code.


It’s crucial to mention that refactoring Large Classes may have a negligible impact on performance, if any. Optimizing for code readability and maintainability often has a more substantial long-term impact than micro-optimizations at the class level. However, if performance is a critical concern, it’s essential to use profiling and benchmarking tools to identify and address specific bottlenecks in your code.

In conclusion, Large Classes are code smells that can harm the readability, maintainability, and reusability of your codebase. Recognizing the signs, understanding the underlying reasons, and applying appropriate treatment strategies are essential steps in improving your code. By breaking down large classes into smaller, well-structured units, you’ll pave the way for more maintainable, efficient, and developer-friendly software.



Oleksandr Kaledin

iOS App Developer with 2+ years' experience. Expert in Swift, Xcode, and tech writing.