Code Smells: Bloaters — The Long Method

Oleksandr Kaledin
4 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Oskar Yildiz on Unsplash

In the world of software development, code smells are indicators of deeper problems within your codebase. Bloaters, a category of code smells, are those pesky issues that manifest as overly long and complex code, leading to decreased maintainability and readability. One prominent member of the Bloater family is the “Long Method.” In this article, we’ll explore the problem of Long Methods, identifying their signs and symptoms, reasons for occurrence, and providing solutions to keep your codebase healthy and maintainable.

The Problem of Long Methods

Long methods are like tangled, overgrown vines in a garden of clean and concise code. They hinder comprehension, make debugging a nightmare, and contribute to code that is challenging to maintain and extend. But what exactly constitutes a long method?

A long method, in essence, is a function, method, or subroutine that has grown too large, typically exceeding a reasonable length. This length is subjective and may vary depending on programming languages, but a method with more than 15–20 lines of code is often seen as a candidate for refactoring.

Signs and Symptoms

Identifying long methods in your codebase is crucial. Look for the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Excessive Length: Methods that span dozens or even hundreds of lines are a red flag. Long methods are hard to grasp at a glance, making them error-prone.
  2. Complex Control Flow: Long methods often contain deeply nested conditional statements and loops, making the code convoluted.
  3. High Cyclomatic Complexity: The Cyclomatic Complexity metric measures the number of independent paths through a method. Long methods tend to have a high Cyclomatic Complexity, which can be indicative of potential issues.
  4. Limited Reusability: Long methods often contain duplicated or tightly coupled code, reducing the code’s reusability.
  5. Maintenance Challenges: Making changes to long methods can be a daunting task. Developers may hesitate to modify them due to their complexity, leading to code stagnation.

Reasons for the Problem

Understanding why long methods occur is essential for devising effective strategies to tackle the issue. Several factors contribute to the creation of long methods:

  1. Lack of Refactoring: Developers may neglect refactoring, allowing methods to grow over time as features are added or bugs are fixed.
  2. Monolithic Thinking: Developers sometimes attempt to handle multiple concerns within a single method, leading to bloat.
  3. Incomplete Decomposition: Failure to decompose problems into smaller, manageable pieces can result in excessively long methods.
  4. Tight Coupling: Tight coupling between classes can lead to methods trying to do too much, encompassing tasks that should be divided among various classes.


Dealing with long methods requires a strategic approach to break them down into smaller, more manageable units. Here are some strategies to help you address this code smell:

  1. Divide and Conquer: Identify distinct sections of your long method that can be broken down into smaller, well-named helper methods. This not only reduces the method’s length but also enhances readability.
  2. Single Responsibility Principle: Ensure that each method has a single responsibility. If your method is performing multiple tasks, split it into smaller methods, each responsible for a specific task.
  3. Use Comments: Add comments to your code to describe what each section does. While not a substitute for refactoring, it can make long methods more understandable.
  4. Functional Decomposition: Consider adopting functional decomposition, breaking the problem down into functions or methods with specific tasks.
  5. Apply Design Patterns: Implement design patterns like the Strategy Pattern, Command Pattern, or Chain of Responsibility to simplify and modularize your code.


Dealing with the Long Method code smell offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Readability: Smaller methods are easier to read and understand, making your code more accessible to developers and future maintainers.
  2. Maintainability: Modular code is simpler to maintain. Changes and bug fixes become less error-prone and more straightforward.
  3. Reusability: Smaller, well-structured methods can be reused across the codebase, reducing duplication and enforcing the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.
  4. Improved Testing: Smaller methods are easier to test in isolation, enhancing the testability of your code.


It’s important to note that refactoring long methods may have a negligible impact on performance, if any. In fact, optimizing for code readability and maintainability often has a more substantial long-term impact than micro-optimizations at the method level. However, if performance is a critical concern, it’s essential to use profiling and benchmarking tools to identify and address specific bottlenecks in your code.

In conclusion, the Long Method is a pervasive code smell that can harm the readability, maintainability, and reusability of your codebase. Recognizing the signs, understanding the underlying reasons, and applying appropriate treatment strategies are essential steps in improving your code. By breaking down long methods into smaller, well-structured units, you’ll pave the way for more maintainable, efficient, and developer-friendly software.



Oleksandr Kaledin

iOS App Developer with 2+ years' experience. Expert in Swift, Xcode, and tech writing.